Body Countouring
Body contour treatment helps shape your body by removing unwanted fat in specific areas, including abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, upper arms, chin, cheeks and neck with the help of barely invasive laser-liposuction procedure.
The procedure has been made popular since 2000 in Melania, making our clinic one of the most experienced clinic to perform liposuction in Surabaya.
Laser Liposuction
Melania’s laser liposuction refers to a laser-assisted body shaping procedure that has high safety profile and effectiveness with minimal downtime. Our procedure is as follow:
1. Fat loosening and numbing with tumescent anesthesia solution
We begin the laser liposuction procedure with infusion of specially prepared solution that loosens the fat, constricts the blood vessels, and minimizes the pain.
2. Laser-assisted fat-lysis and skin tightening
Then, through a “small hole” method, we insert a very fine laser fiber. The laser light causes fat lysis and skin tightening, resulting in melted fat cells and improved skin tightness.
3. Fat Suction and Body Shaping
The melted fat cells are aspirated until the desired body shape is achieved.
This procedure can be done to abdomen and love handles (lower back), bra rolls and back fat, inner and outer thighs, neck and chin, and arms.
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Established in 1998, Melania Aesthetic Dermatology is a medical specialists’ clinic combining sciences of aesthetics and dermatology.
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