Celebrating One Year of Melania PicoSure® Laser

Introducing our unique 3C Concept.
Established in 1998, with more than 20 years of experience, the medical experts at Melania Aesthetic Dermatology developed the 3C concept; a comprehensive fundamental method to address all skin concerns for all age groups.

Foundation of a better skin, nail,
and hair health.

Enhance your personal appearance.
It’s you, but better.

Series of anti-aging and rejuvenation procedures to preserve your beauty.
Beauty that doesn’t fade by age.
Your concerns, our priorities.
Learn more about who we are and take confidence in what we can do for your skin.
Liposuction, Ampuh Tuntaskan Lemak Berlebih di Tubuh
Lemak berlebih di tubuh merupakan masalah besar bagi seseorang. Berbagai jenis diet pun dilakukan. Mulai dari diet sederhana hingga tergolong ekstrim. Berdasarkan data statistik, frekuensi perempuan melakukan diet jauh lebih tinggi dibanding pria. Indonesia termasuk...
Apa Manfaat Filler Bagi Kecantikan?
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Established in 1998, Melania Aesthetic Dermatology is a medical specialists’ clinic combining sciences of aesthetics and dermatology.
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